Combat Aging (Part 1)
Hi there, Dr. Tansavatdi here. We are approaching the end of 2017 so I wanted to find a topic that would kind of resonate with everybody and that is what have you accomplished in 2017. I know I’m very happy with what I have in my life. I made a lot of changes this year and hope you did too.
From some of my patients 2017 was a great year, positive year. They focused on themselves. They made the changes that they needed to and that included getting surgery for themselves. So, into 2018 I have a lot of patients asking, “What can I do with the results that I’ve got from surgery? How can I extend those results and look my very best. So I’m gonna give you some of the tips that I do in my own life that I feel has given me an edge and made positive changes in my life this year.
So the first thing I would say is really focusing on your health because health really translates to physical outside beauty and the improvement in your skin and a glow that you can carry throughout the rest of your life. So the first thing when I talk about health is sleep. I know people forget this. They go,”You mean I’m supposed to eat well, work out.” Well, actually the first number one thing is sleep and I forget this too. You know we work very long hours here sometimes and then I have to get home, cook, have dinner, clean, then you go, “Oh, I have to go to bed already”. And it’s easy to go well, “I have so much more things to do tonight.” Well, no.
The focus should be on you and not on all the other things that you have to get done because they can still wait till tomorrow, but you really need to find the hours of getting enough sleep and that’s seven to eight hours a night. So, the best people out there, the best athletes, the most successful people get that amount of rest because your brain has to recharge and including your brain, your brain fuels the rest of your body. So, really focus on getting enough sleep. I’m going to give you some more tips but this is my first one, the very first one that’s important to me and the one I’ve really made it an important part in my life to get more sleep on a nightly basis. Thank you for tuning in.