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Facelift Surgery Performed by Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi

Facial signs of aging are one of the most common aesthetic concerns that arise as women and men alike move through new stages in their life. Wrinkles, lines, and sagging skin across the face, chin, and neck can be frustrating and upsetting. You may see your reflection and think that you look older than you feel. You may wonder if you’ll ever feel good about your appearance again. You’re not alone. Even though facial aging is natural and can’t be avoided, many people seek ways to slow, reduce, or turn back the aging process.

Take the Next Step. Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Tansavatdi

Facelift Videos - Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi

What Can a Facelift Do For Me?

Although facelift surgery can’t stop the aging process, it can take several years off of your appearance. It can create natural, aesthetically pleasing facial contours and help you love the way you look even as you grow older. Most facelift patients feel as though they look about ten years younger after their surgery, thanks to the procedure’s ability to reduce and eliminate some of the most apparent signs of aging. In particular, facelift surgery can:

  • Smooth wrinkles and lines on your face and neck
  • Tighten the muscles of your face
  • Remove loose skin under your chin and jaw
  • Remove or reposition excess fat around the chin to create smoother facial contours
  • Reposition volume around the jawline and cheeks to a higher position to successfully provide a more youthful appearance
Elderly woman smiling touching her neck

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Eliminate Signs of Aging with a Facelift Procedure

While we don’t often want to think about the inevitability of growing older, the aging process will eventually affect every one of us. It’s only natural—as time passes, our bodies change and respond to our environments. Sometimes the changes are good, but other times they can negatively affect our appearance or confidence.

Our Thousand Oaks facelift surgery offers people with these concerns a chance to age beautifully. Facelift surgery can’t make you look 20 years old again (and it’s not supposed to), but it can help eliminate the most irritating signs of aging. These can include sagging skin, jowls around the jawline, and deep facial folds. The goal of a facelift is to create a naturally sophisticated look that plays up your best features and lends health and vitality to your appearance.

For patients in Thousand Oaks, CA, and the surrounding areas, facial plastic surgeon Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi offers high-level expertise with extensive training in facelifts and other procedures. She holds dual board certifications in facial plastic surgery and otolaryngology, and she specializes in helping her clients achieve beautiful, natural results that can last for years to come. Dr. Tansavatdi is also compassionate and knowledgeable: when you meet with her, she will help you understand your treatment options, risks, and candidacy, as well as the benefits of having facelift surgery. Dr. Tansavatdi and her team will guide you through every step of your journey to a rejuvenated appearance. For more information or to schedule your consultation, please call our office at (805) 715-4996.

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Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi: Facelift Transformation

facelift before and after image highlighting the eyes

Will it Look Like I’ve had “Work Done”?

Dr. Tansavatdi’s patients can attest that when she performs a facelift procedure, it never results in a plastic or overdone appearance. Her patients want to look natural, and she understands and respects that. Dr. Tansavatdi’s goal is always to ensure that you still look like yourself, but without the signs of aging that are hurting your self-confidence.

Tansavatdi Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery

Your Consultation with Dr. Tansavatdi

During your consultation with Dr. Tansavatdi, you will discuss all of the concerns you have and why you wish to pursue a facelift. She will evaluate your facial structure and skin, create an outline of your surgical plan, and educate you about the facelift techniques or other treatments that will best address your needs.

This in-person meeting will help you learn more about how a facelift can improve your specific appearance and confidence, or determine if there is a better option for you that can achieve even better results for your goals. If you’re in the Thousand Oaks area, we will help address your aesthetic concerns.

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Mini Facelift

A mini facelift, also known as a SMAS Facelift, is perfectly suited to addressing the most common age-related changes in the lower third portion of the face. Since the lower face sees the most movement over time, as we talk, eat, laugh, and form facial expressions, a lift that specifically addresses the evidence of aging here can work wonders for many patients.

Whereas a full facelift approaches the entire face from upper neck and jawline to the forehead, a Mini Facelift specifically focuses on tightening what is called the SMAS layer, or “superficial muscular aponeurotic system” in order to reduce the appearance of jowls, sagging skin, and fat, lower face laxity, and gaunt or hollow cheeks. Naturally, the procedure is less invasive and requires less downtime for recovery while still providing stunning and noticeable results.

How is Facelift Surgery Performed?

Dr. Tansavatdi performs several types of facelift surgeries, depending on each patient’s individual needs. Facelifts can be performed on the upper, mid, or lower face specifically, or on the entire face. The latter type is called a “full” or “traditional” facelift, and it’s the most widely recognized and comprehensive method of performing a facelift. It’s the procedure most often recommended for patients who have signs of aging on the brow, near the eyes, on the cheeks, and around the chin and neck. Traditional facelift procedures can use a variety of incision types to treat surface-level or deeper tissue layers, and to change the degree of invasiveness.  

During the Procedure

In general, Dr. Tansavatdi uses an approach that creates an incision in front of and behind the ear, which may extend into the scalp. During the next step of the procedure, Dr. Tansavatdi gently separates the facial skin from the underlying tissue and lifts the deeper layers. She tightens and lifts the facial muscles to reduce wrinkling and sagging, removes excess fat and skin, repositions pockets of fat into areas that need volume, and re-drapes the skin over the area. The skin is then smoothed and sutured in place. After closing the incisions, Dr. Tansavatdi applies surgical dressings to the face to protect the wounds and to minimize swelling, bleeding, and the potential for hematoma formation.

After the Procedure

You will be moved to a monitored recovery room for an hour or two while the anesthesia wears off, and then you will be free to return home. You’ll need to have a responsible adult who is designated ahead of time to pick you up and bring you home. This person will also review recovery instructions with Dr. Tansavatdi, and should remain with you for at least 24 hours after your procedure. Dr. Tansavatdi performs facelift surgery using moderate sedation or general anesthesia to keep you comfortable. Surgeries are performed at an accredited outpatient facility or a local hospital. Your recovery progress will be carefully monitored by Dr. Tansavatdi and her team during regular follow-up appointments.

Dr. Tansavatdi Talks Full, Mini or Minimally Invasive Facelift

Dr. Tansavatdi Talks Full, Mini or Minimally Invasive Facelift | Real Self Interview
Tansavatdi Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery

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Am I a Candidate for Facelift Surgery?

Facelift surgery is a common procedure sought by women and men as they age. The typical facelift patient is between 40 and 70 years old and has significant signs of facial aging such as moderate to severe wrinkles or sagging skin. Facelifts may be performed on patients younger or older than this as long as their concerns warrant surgical intervention and they are healthy enough to undergo the procedure safely. Patients should be in good overall health, should be non-smokers (or willing to stop smoking prior to their surgery), and should have appropriate expectations of the risks and benefits associated with cosmetic surgery. Patients should also be able to take up to two weeks away from work or daily responsibilities to make a full recovery. You will need to be willing and able to follow Dr. Tansavatdi’s recovery instructions carefully to ensure a swift healing process. Your recovery is essential to a safe and satisfactory outcome, and we may recommend waiting to undergo a facelift until you are certain you can make the necessary commitments.

What if I’m not a Candidate?

If you are not a good candidate for a facelift at this time, Dr. Tansavatdi does offer a full range of other facial plastic surgeries and non-surgical anti-aging treatments. She can work with you to create a treatment plan that will address your concerns without compromising your wellbeing. Your other options may include a brow lift, eyelid surgery, injectables like Botox or dermal fillers, RF-based device treatments, skin resurfacing treatments, or facial fat transfers. She may also recommend a combination of some of these procedures alongside your facelift for the best results.

Why We Recommend a Consult

A facelift provides the best results in women and men who are seeking an effective and long-lasting solution to signs of aging across the face and neck. The only way to find out for certain if a facelift is right for you is to schedule an in-person consultation with Dr. Tansavatdi in Thousand Oaks, CA. Dr. Tansavatdi carefully screens each patient to determine their candidacy for surgery. It is important, to be honest about your medical history in order to minimize the risk of any complications during and after surgery. We will help you understand all of your anti-aging options so you can make an informed decision about your procedure(s).

Facelift post-operative care instructions

screen shot of Dr Tansavatdi smiling and touching her neck

Facelift Recovery

Facelift surgery involves different phases of recovery. In the first few days after surgery, you should expect to require some bed rest. It is common to experience swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort. Any pain can typically be managed with over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, although Dr. Tansavatdi may prescribe pain relievers if necessary. We will give you helpful aftercare instructions to keep you comfortable and minimize side effects as quickly as possible. Patients can expect to require 10 to 14 days away from work or normal daily activities. 

This will be enough time to allow swelling and discoloration to subside and to ensure that your recovery is on track. You should take care to sit and sleep with your head elevated, use only gentle facial products as directed by Dr. Tansavatdi, avoid activities that might cause pain or injury, and attend all of your scheduled follow-up appointments. Strenuous exercise or other intensive activities should be avoided for six to eight weeks, as increased heart rate and blood pressure may interfere with the healing process. Dr. Tansavatdi will clear you for certain activities as you heal.  

Dr. Tansavatdi will provide detailed post-op instructions and meticulous aftercare services to each patient. Our team is always available should you have questions at any point during your recovery. Final facelift results are achieved within about four months. You can expect your results to last up to ten years, and you will continue to look younger than your age as time passes. With good skin care techniques, including sun protection or regular skin treatments with Dr. Tansavatdi, you can keep your skin in its best shape possible for life and extend the results of your surgery.

How long does a facelift last?

The longevity of facelift results can vary greatly from person to person due to a number of factors including individual biology, the quality of surgical technique, the type of facelift performed, the patient's lifestyle, the rate at which a person ages, fluctuations in weight, changes in hormone levels, and how well they take care of their skin post-surgery.

In general, the results of a facelift are not permanent because even after the surgery, your face and skin will continue to age. While you continue to age, a facelift can "turn back the clock," making you look younger than you would without the procedure.

On average, a facelift can be expected to last from 5 to 15 years. The length of results could be less or more depending on the patient’s overall skin and body health, and when a patient chooses to undergo surgery as the results last longer when the skin has preserved elasticity. After that, some patients may choose to undergo revision surgery to maintain their results. It's also important to note that even after this time period, you'll still look younger than if you hadn't had the facelift at all.

Dr. Tansavatdi advises her patients that, even as the years pass, they will still appear younger than if they hadn't undergone the procedure. Non-surgical treatments, like fillers and Botox, are meant to soften early aging signs but are not qualified alternatives to surgery when there is descent of soft tissues and skin laxity that cannot be adequately corrected without looking unnatural. Patients who have had Botox and/or fillers before surgery will still want to maintain with Botox and fillers after surgery. Judiciously placed, Botox and fillers, may also enhance and extend the benefits of a facelift as volume loss develops in the face with aging or strong muscles that pull on the face create deeper lines or folds. 

To extend the benefits of a facelift, Dr. Tansavatdi also recommends her patients maintain a healthy lifestyle and rigorous skincare routine. Sun protection, a balanced diet, frequent exercise, abstaining from smoking, and proper medical grade skincare can all contribute to longer-lasting facelift results. As each patient is unique, Dr. Tansavatdi emphasizes a personalized consultation to discuss the specifics of the procedure and expected results.


A Focus on the Face

Most plastic surgeons operate across the entire body. Dr. Tansavatdi has dedicated her entire career to focusing on surgeries on the face and neck. After almost a decade in practice and thousands of successful procedures, she has become the face, neck, eyelid, and nose surgery specialist she is today.

Coveted Credentials

Dr. Tansavatdi is a double board-certified and fellowship-trained facial plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

An Artist’s Eye

Dr. Tansavatdi received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Berkeley, completed her medical school at Wake Forest University, finished residency in head and neck surgery, and then dedicated her focus to facial plastic surgery for her fellowship training. Today, the face and neck are her surgical canvas and patients count on her to produce her finest work every time. Her aesthetic philosophy is that an attractive and well-proportioned face and neck only comes from achieving a natural un-operated look. Through a keen eye for detail and incorporating and customizing an approach based on each person’s anatomy, she is able to obtain these goals, uniquely separating her from other surgeons who may practice a cookie-cutter approach and explaining why she is able to have such successful results. 

Natural-Looking Results

Dr. Tansavatdi’s artistic background and her ultra-fine focus on facial aesthetics come from a superior understanding of facial anatomy and physiology and what can be done to produce subtle natural-looking results. Every patient is unique and every surgery is uniquely tailored to fit them.

Dr. Tansavatdi in a lab coat smiling


Will there be visible scars?

Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi’ designs her facelift incisions to be well hidden within the natural creases around the ears and within the hairline. If the neck is being addressed, then there may also be a small, inconspicuous incision made beneath the chin in a natural crease. Scarring will be almost imperceptible after the requisite healing period that may take up to one (1) year, thanks to Dr. Tansavatdi’s meticulous detail on the design of the incisions and closure techniques. However, some people can have a higher propensity to scar or take a longer time to heal, which may not be able to be determined beforehand. If you do have a history of abnormal scarring you should let Dr. Tansavatdi know so she can plan ways to minimize scarring for you.

What is the average cost of a facelift?

A facelift is a profound undertaking for any patient, requiring thought and preparation. Estimating costs and expenses before surgery is an important step in the process to ensure a seamless and stress-free experience. As with all aesthetic procedures, costs vary according to a variety of factors, including the techniques used, the type of anesthesia chosen, and the extent of the work performed. Further, those undergoing additional procedures in tandem with their facelift, such as a neck lift or facial fat transfer, will incur expanded costs. Dr. Tansavatdi often chooses an approach centered around the deep plane facelift, as this provides highly natural and elegant results that help preserve the patient’s unique beauty and expressiveness. RealSelf, a leading source of pricing for the healthcare market, lists the average cost of a deep plane facelift at $15,775. Bear in mind that costs are based on practice location, the surgeon’s expertise and credentials, and other factors. A customized facelift performed by an industry expert may cost a bit more, but the procedure is a lasting investment that will yield confidence and peace of mind for years to come. It cannot be overstated how important it is to choose a trusted, vetted professional such as Dr. Tansavatdi, who charges upwards of $20,000. She will curate a personalized treatment plan and deliver stunning results that exceed your expectations for excellence from every angle. During your private consultation, she will go over every detail of your surgery, including a breakdown of the costs and expenses.

How long does surgery take?

Dr. Tansavatdi prefers a deep plane approach for facelift surgery which requires more dissection and work. A facelift performed using a deep plane approach usually requires at least 4 hours. If Dr. Tansavatdi has considered a mini lift or smaller procedure for you then the time could be less than 4 hours. If combination treatments are performed such as a brow lift, blepharoplasty or a neck lift, then the total operating time will be increased.

Will there be pain?

After a facelift, most discomfort can typically be managed with pain medications prescribed by Dr. Tansavatdi. In Dr. Tansavatdi’s experience, most of her patients require stronger medication only on the first night after surgery while the remainder of the recovery course can typically be managedwithout the use of narcotics. Most patients describe tightness and discomfort which typically resolves several weeks after surgery. During the surgery itself, you will be sedated or under the effects of anesthesia

Are there any risks?

There are general risks that may happen with any surgery such as the risk of bleeding, infection, unfavorable scarring, and prolonged swelling. There are also specific risks associated with facelift surgery that Dr. Tansavatdi will review with you before your surgery. Though careful attention is taken by Dr. Tansavatdi to minimize the risks of facelift surgery, there are some that require important mention because they can create anxiety in patients even when they occur quite rarely such as the risk of nerve damage, prolonged numbness and hematoma. The occurrence of these risks of facelift surgery are low and are often managed favorably by Dr. Tansavatdi and her team.

At what age should I consider a facelift?

Candidacy for facelift surgery is assessed on a case-by-case basis and will depend on your overall health, both mental and physical, and the amount of aging changes you are currently showing. While patients between 40 and 60 years old make up the majority of facelift clients, facelift and neck lift surgery has been performed on those older than that in good state of health. Dr. Tansavatdi will determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure during your private consultation.

Contact Dr. Kristina Tansavatdi

Though facelifts are widely available and well-known, they should only be performed by board-certified, licensed, and experienced plastic surgeons. It is best to seek a specialized surgeon who focuses on facial plastic surgery and to be absolutely certain they have a strong track record of successful facelifts with satisfied patients.

Dr. Tansavatdi’s credentials and expertise are unmatched in the Thousand Oaks, CA, area. She has received extensive training in facelift surgery and other facial aesthetic procedures, and has treated thousands of patients over her career. She is known among local and international circles for her ability to deliver beautiful, natural facelift results, and she has a reputation for excellent patient care as well as outstanding outcomes.

Tansavatdi Facial Plastic Surgery proudly serves the broader area of Westlake Village, Thousand Oaks, Agoura Hills, Simi Valley, Malibu, Calabasas, and Santa Barbara. We provide a complete range of facial cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries including facelifts, brow lifts, rhinoplasty, and more. For more information, please call (805) 715-4996 or contact us online to schedule your consultation for arguably the best facelift Thousand Oaks has to offer.

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*The content/images on this website are not a guarantee of individual results. Individual results may vary. The information provided on this site is for general informational purposes only, and does not replace the need for a formal consultation with a plastic and reconstructive surgeon before undergoing a surgical procedure or skin care treatment.

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